Concepts and Techniques of Aikido

Morihei explained how the "Way of ai-ki" evolved, and how his ideals were distinctive from other martial interpretations. "I have studied many systems of combat until now including Yagyu-ryu, Shin'yo-ryu, Kito-ryu, Daito-ryu and Shinkage-ryu. However, aikido is not an amalgamation of these." Although the term ai-ki is ... More

History Of Aikido

Nowadays, the word aikido is well-known throughout the world. The founder of this budo art was Ueshiba Morihei (1883-1969). Born in what is now modern day Wakayama Prefecture, Morihei commenced studying a number of different martial art systems from 1897. According to surviving records, he learned various jujutsu styles ... More

Nobuyoshi Tamura; The Eagle of Aikido / 2

Tamura Nobuyoshi, 8th Dan Aikikai, was one of the closest disciples of Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. His friendly smile and frail appearance were known to practitioners worldwide, as was his piercing gaze and the technical virtuosity that he demonstrated whenever he practiced Aikido. Tamura Sensei’s Aikido was quick, subtle and extremely martial. After more than 50 years of practice, his techniques were perfected to the point where all superficial movements had disappeared and only the essence of his art form was visible in such subtle movements that they were almost invisible and appeared magical to the uninitiated. The Samurai Magazine (note: this is the martial arts magazine where this interview first appeared) presents the longest interview that he has ever given. In it Tamura Sensei recollects memories and reflects on a lifetime of practice. Meet the legendary master with a piercing stare and an excellent sense of humor… ... More

Nobuyoshi Tamura; The Eagle of Aikido / 1

Tamura Nobuyoshi, 8th Dan Aikikai, was one of the closest disciples of Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. His friendly smile and frail appearance were known to practitioners worldwide, as was his piercing gaze and the technical virtuosity that he demonstrated whenever he practiced Aikido. Tamura Sensei’s Aikido was quick, subtle and extremely martial. After more than 50 years of practice, his techniques were perfected to the point where all superficial movements had disappeared and only the essence of his art form was visible in such subtle movements that they were almost invisible and appeared magical to the uninitiated. The Samurai Magazine (note: this is the martial arts magazine where this interview first appeared) presents the longest interview that he has ever given. In it, Tamura Sensei recollects memories and reflects on a lifetime of practice. Meet the legendary master with a piercing stare and an excellent sense of humor… ... More


This article was first published in AikidoEurope, the publication organ of the Europen Aikido Federation. The article was taken from the English text on the website. ... More


This article was first published in AikidoEurope, the publication organ of the Europen Aikido Federation. The article was taken from the English text on the website. ... More

Interview with Yamada Sensei about Ranks

Sensei, don’t you have the feeling that sometimes, especially during the seminars, you don’t have “control” over the people who you are testing? Often You don’t know persons who are taking the test, they are recommended by their instructor. Well, I have to trust instructors, their recommendations. Unfortunately, sometimes I don’t agree with the recommendations. ... More

Eurasia Aikido

Written by  Eric GROUSILLIAT

Eurasia Aikido Organisation(EAO), which follows Nobuyoshi Tamura Sensei’s teaching, is a growing group day by day under the leadership of Nebi Vural, who is one of the closest students of Nobuyoshi Tamura Sensei. In a previous article of mine, through this website again, I had the opportunity to share my positive thoughts about Nebi’s Aikido practicing with you by mentioning his name. Undoubtedly, if I lived in Europe, he would be one of the people I would like to follow on a regular basis. ... More

Meanings and Levels of Dan Degrees

Written by Nobuyoshi TAMURA Shihan. 1 – 初段 SHODAN – The First DAN: SHO represents the beginning, beginner. The body eventually begins to respond to the given commands and to produce technical forms. One can have ambiguous ideas about what Aikido could be. At this point, we must force ourselves to apply the techniques as precisely as possible and to train accurately. 2 – 弐 段 NIDAN – The Second DAN: While more intense mental continuity is being revealed, at the same time strength and speed are added to the first dan rank. This progress perceived by the student as self-development. The jury should feel this evolution noting that the work has entered a certain way and is moving towards a certain direction. ... More

Aikido in me

Like the mirror... Like looking in the mirror... Like being the mirror...

I'll introduce you aikido in me as a starter, as a person who just entered this path. This article is an aspect of my life, maybe it is the same, maybe it is different for those who make room for aikido in his/her life. Typically, I am in love with the martial arts since I was a child.This is because I watched I lot of films about them from primitive to contemporary. I've always questioned one concept, the harmony... How is it created during a conflict? Being in conflict with your enemies and fighting them is not an art but it is a vital importance in the world where contrast and fighting are inevitable. Knowing him and yourself... Comprehend... ... More